Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Burn

WY I RUN... a passion and a driver

8/15: 8 Miles Easy, Core, Swim- interval on a declining time (tried to whip up some speed for the Triathlon), 4 Miles Easy
8/16: 10 Miles, Easy Cycle, 4 Miles
8/17: 6 MIles, Dynamic Core, and Easy Swim
8/18: 2 w/u, Lander Sprint Triathlon, 3 c/d and Easy 4 Miles
I pulled off a successful race after going in with a bit of mental reservations. The burn was there though after a 12:44, 750m Swim, a 39 min uphill, downhill, 12.77 Mile bike and a 20:38 5k for 2nd Female.
8/19: REST
8/20: 10 Miles Easy, Core and 4 MIles
8/21: 2 w/u, 6 x 1 Miles with 4 minutes, 2 c/d. Though this workout is a weakness and I struggle through it every time, I don't like to beat myself up over being off 5 seconds on the first and last mile as I know the effort was there. But as a Type A, it is hard to finish without, what we would call 'perfection.' A notion I struggle with daily as there is no perfect and it's all in the eye of the beholder... Boohyahh

Weekly Tidbits:
A garden growing like mad leads me to cook:

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Zucchini Bread
Shredded Zucchini Elk Burger
Zucchini Greek Salad... and wherever else I can slip it in.

Competitive Drive
Competition, both my friend and my enemy and two reasons why I wanted to and didn't want to enter the Lander Triathlon this year. I love the competition within races and typically thrive off it during the race, but the prior knowledge of my competition and trying to control how the event will play out practically debilitates me before the race begins, which was one of the reason why I almost didn't race. I had a choice between my home town where I had won the year before and another remote race the next weekend to choose from. While the familiarity and community aspect of the race drew me in, it almost pushed me away.
As outsiders, began to ask me whether I was competing again and enhancing a competitive race between a  few other women in town, my fear took over and my desire not to race was in full force. But there was something inside me that knew how disappointed I would be if I did not enter as well as the alarming angst which made it all the more important for me to face my fears and try to use my internal competition in a beneficial way and gain experience.
Without further adieu, the race began and I competed. I had a plan, it played out to an extent, but I did not win. My times were faster than last year and the goals which I had constructed beforehand were accomplished and I couldn't have asked for more. I didn't defend my title, but I was still excited about the results... a miracle I tell ya. For each race, I develop goals based on the activity, size of field, length and my personal ability and whether I hit all of these goals or not... I logically established them and doing the best I can do with the given situations is all I can ask for and that's what I did!

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